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Local School Committee

Welcome to the Local School Committee.

The Local School Committee take an active interest in the day to day life of the school. Meetings are held regularly. Parents may have access to the minutes of the Committee meetings on request to the Headteacher or Clerk to the Committee. 

Who’s Who of the Local School Committee 

 Our Local School Committee, (LSC), is made up of:

Chair of LSC:         Mrs Emma Clipson

Clerk to the LSC:  Miss Samantha Broadway


For statutory information about each AC member, including their date of appointment, term of office and declaration of business interests, please see the Statutory Local School Committee Member Information page.

As a proud member of Initio Learning Trust, our Local School Committee is overseen by the Trustees. To find out more about the Trustees of Wimborne Academy Trust please visit the website or click here to view Trust Member and Trustee biographies.